Category: Uncategorized
Pre-assign Breakout Rooms in Google Meet!
Google Meet is has been making many wonderful updates this past year but this one may be one of my favorites! You can now pre-assign breakout rooms in your google meet and it is pretty simple! **This can only be done using your Gustavus Google Calendar*** Set up the pre-assigned breakout rooms Either create a…
Training Opportunities from GTS
It’s a new year and with that comes new opportunities! Come learn more about the tools that make working and teaching in a hybrid situation a success!! GTS will be offering virtual sessions on Google Meet, Zoom, and Moodle in the month of January. I hope to you “see” you all soon — Good luck…
COVIDaware MN app for exposure notification
Today the State of Minnesota, following several other states, launched a COVID-19 exposure notification app called COVIDaware MN that can be installed on your mobile phone. This app will notify you if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. To learn more about how this app works, its…
Adobe Flash end of life
Adobe has announced that Adobe Flash will be end of life December 31, 2020. After this date, Adobe Flash will no longer receive security updates or patches from Adobe. Due to the very high security risk of this application, Adobe Flash will no longer be available on Gustavus owned machines after this date. At this…
Google Cloud Print end of life
Google will be deprecating Google Cloud print in December 2020. If you are using GCP to print, we recommend migrating to another solution. Technology Services has implemented a replacement for GCP called Mobility print. For more information on this option, please use the link below. For more information on printing options, please visit the…
Google Workspace Marketplace app changes
The Google Workspace Marketplace offers the ability to enhance the experience provided by Google Workspace by integrating with other third-party apps such as Zoom. Although this provides benefits, there are also additional risks as well. Installing a third party app from the marketplace will increase the risk of data exposure since the information available in…
Get the most out of your Gustavus Zoom Account!
Technology Services would like to remind you to sign into your Gustavus Zoom account prior to attending virtual classes and meetings. The College has partnered with Zoom to give you access to a variety of features that you may not have with another account. It also affords easier access to virtual events as it often…
Gustavus Google Calendar Visibility
Did you know that by default, your Gustavus Google calendar is only visible to you? Did you also know that you can change that to fit your needs a bit better? Let’s say, you would like only a few select people to see when you are free/busy so they can schedule meetings with you when…
Google Meet New Features — FINALLY!! ((Crowd goes wild))
Google Meet recently launched 7 FABULOUS new feature to Google Meet! These new features are being rolled out by Google in a staggered format so it may can take up to 2 weeks for these features to show up, but they are certainly worth the wait! Digital Whiteboard with Jamboard – host can open a…