‘Web Services’ CategoryPage 4

Scanners in the Residence Halls

There is a new addition to each of the residence halls’ computer lab. After receiving some student feedback at the end of last year, Gustavus Technology Services has installed an Epson V500 scanner in each lab. This will allow you to scan documents, pictures, slides, 35mm film, etc. If you have any feedback, please comment […]

Technology Updates

As the summer draws to a close and Gusties start thinking of their return to campus, we wanted to pass along some technology information and updates.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information or any other technology needs, please contact the Technology Helpline at helpline@gustavus.edu or 507-933-6111. Printing on Campus To address […]

Commission Gustavus 150 Survey

Our goal was to design a survey that allows anybody in the Gustavus community to easily give input on 439 items. The challenge was identifying and implementing a method that would work for as wide of an audience as possible without being overwhelming. Hopefully, we have succeeded.

New from Instructional Services: Mini Instructional Videos!

Because we know how valuable it can be to have someone talk you through a process, such as uploading a resource to Moodle or setting up a PowerPoint to use Clickers, we are introducing video podcasts to assist you. These podcasts can be viewed anytime, anywhere, giving you the flexibility to learn on your schedule, […]

Improved Default Aux Box

Today we officially say goodbye to the stale “Did You Know” factoids from our website’s Aux Box (the blue column on the right side of many pages that contains extra content) and say hello to some new and improved, always-fresh content. By default, we now pull events from the College Calendar, news, and profiles into […]

Local Navigation Context Clues

If you've been paying close attention to the Gustavus website over the weekend, you've probably noticed that we added a subtle but helpful new feature to the Gustavus Template. Now, each page's local navigation will highlight the page you are currently viewing if it happens to appear in the local navigation. For instance, check out the Classics Events page.

E-mail Password Policy

Starting this October 15th, Gustavus Technology Services is requiring that users change their Gustavus e-mail passwords at least once per year. If you have changed your password recently, you do not need to take action at this time. For those of you that received an e-mail from Ethan Sommer on Thursday October 9th regarding your […]

Review: Web Form Design by Luke Wroblewski

There's a pretty good chance that you will fill out a form today... and tomorrow... and the next day. Forms are everywhere you look--we rely on them for nearly everything from searching for information to ordering some goods to balancing your checkbook.

Google Calendar Training

If you were not able to make it to the Google Calendar Training session on Tuesday, there will be another training session tomorrow, July 24th, 2008, at 3:30pm in Olin 124. For more information, please visit our wiki article. Gustavus’ Google Calendar will enable you to: * Keep track of your schedule using an easy […]

Campus Electricity Usage

We have revamped the campus electricity usage page that Core Services released last March with a new look and a new feature just in time for the National Campus Energy Challenge 2008.