Category: Gustavus Template

  • Section Highlighting

    To improve the usability of the Gustavus website, we added a small, but incredibly handy feature to pages within the Gustavus template that fall under one of the sections found within the global navigation (the colored bar of links at the top of each page). Sections such as the college calendar, athletics, or academics will…

  • Gustavus Template Color Themes

    The new Gustavus Template provides content contributors the ability to further customize the look and feel of their pages by using one of our four pre-defined color themes. If you would like to see exactly what these different themes are, check out our new template demo section. While the default for all pages is the…

  • Gustavus Templates

    We’ve begun a weeklong series of workshops designed to help publishers gain familiarity with the new Gustavus template. Some of the materials from these sessions, as well as untold future resources, can be found on Web Services’ template help page.

  • Website Maintenance Completed

    The previously scheduled Gustavus website maintenance has concluded successfully. As of Friday, December 23, most departmental pages will feature the new template design, which is intended to complement the implementation of certain LiquidMatrix-powered sections of the site. Additionally, the new template should also offer increased accessibility, usability, and standards-compliance. Please remember that, as a precaution,…

  • Upcoming Maintenance FAQs

    Q: Why are you doing this? A: These updates are being implemented to augment accessibility, provide more and better features for content publishers, and to complement the new LiquidMatrix-enhanced sections of the site. Q: Why do I have to lose permission to my site/page? A: In order to provide a smooth transition to end-users, Web…

  • Upcoming Gustavus Website Maintenance

    During the week of December 19, Web Services will be updating the current college template set in order to complement the launch of new LiquidMatrix-enhanced sections and provide increased accessibility and standards compliance. These changes will eventually offer content publishers greater flexibility in the presentation and layout of individual pages. Those pages located within home…