Category: Uncategorized

  • Technology Helpline Thanksgiving Break Hours

    The Technology Helpline hours for Thanksgiving break: Tuesday, November 24th: 8:00am – 4:45pm Wednesday, November 25th: 8:00am – 4:45pm Thursday, November 26th: CLOSED Friday, November 27th: CLOSED Saturday, November 28th: CLOSED Sunday, November 29th: CLOSED Monday, November 30th: 8:00am – 11:00pm (Start Regular Hours)

  • Code42 Crashplan (formally Crashplan PROe) new user interface

    Code42 Crashplan (formally Crashplan PROe) 5.0 has been released by Code42.  This update includes a completely new user interface including a new icon .  To learn more about some of the changes, please visit the following page:’s_Guide_To_The_Code42_CrashPlan_App_Version_5.0.1 This new update will be pushed to all employee computers running CrashPlan over the next few days. If you…

  • Technology Helpline Reading Days/Fall Break Hours

    The Technology Helpline hours for Reading Days are: Friday (23rd): 8am-4:45pm Saturday and Sunday (24th and 25th): closed Monday and Tuesday (26th and 27th): 8am-4:45pm Wednesday: 8am-11pm (regular hours) If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Technology Helpline (507-933-6111) or

  • CrashPlan PROe backup service now available for all Gustavus Employees

    We are pleased to announce that Gustavus Technology Services is providing a CrashPlan PROe online cloud backup service for Gustavus-owned computers. Once you install CrashPlan PROe, this will back up your data from anywhere you have an internet connection, and is replacing the external (or extra internal) hard drive backup solution. You will no longer need…

  • NEW Learning Opportunities!

    We are SUPER excited to announce that we have NEW fun ways for you to learn more about the technology we support on this campus! Tech Bytes – these interactive one-hour collaborative sessions will introduce you to different tech tools that we support here at Gustavus. We will mix up the class by having a hands on instructional…

  • New Features in Moodle version 2.9 and Fall courses ready!

    The Core Services team updated our version of Moodle to version 2.9 and with it comes some GREAT enhancements!! Thank you to Paul and the rest of the team for their hard work on this upgrade 🙂 As an added bonus: Fall courses are imported and ready! We have also created a YouTube Playlist on our…

  • Allow me to introduce myself…

    Hi! Since I am new here, I think introductions are in order! 🙂 I am Marni Dunning and I started May 1 as the Associate Director of Instructional Services. I am SUPER excited to be here and honored to be part of such a great College! In my role, I will assist faculty (and staff) with…

  • Unlimited email storage? Students sign up for GusMail!

    GusMail is now available to all students. For more information about GusMail please visit: To start your GusMail Migration, please visit: Benefits No more email quotas (unlimited email storage space) Easy integration with Gustavus Google Drive Easy integration with Gustavus Google Calendar Uninterrupted access to your Gustavus email after graduation (viewing old mail,…

  • WebAdvisor and Cookie Issues

    Registration for Fall 2015 is in progress! The Technology Helpline would like to remind users how to avoid cookie problems with WebAdvisor, or resolve them when they occur. A cookie is a small piece of information stored locally, on your machine, by a website, to help the site remember you later. Browsers limit the size, total number and other…

  • Technology Helpline Spring Break Hours

    Technology Helpline Spring Break Hours Monday – Thursday (30th – 2nd): 8am – 4:45pm Friday, April 3rd: CLOSED Saturday, April 4th: CLOSED Sunday, April 5th: CLOSED Monday, April 6th: 8am – 4:45pm