Category: Core Services

  • Wireless added to Fine Arts Music

    A new wireless access point was added in the basement of the music building to help give coverage to the areas near the Bjorling concert hall.  My initial test show that this one access point covers the hallway from the south end of the Bjorling concert hall all the way to the middle of the…

  • Homepages webserver upgraded

    As of about 3:00pm this afternoon I have moved to a new server.  The old server was running on Fedora Core release 4 with PHP 5.0.4.  The new server is based on CentOS 5 and PHP 5.1.6. Hopefully this will not introduce any unforeseen  issues with users homepages, but if it does, please let…

  • Proxy Servers Upgraded

    For a long time we have been using a pair of very old Sun servers ( the old Solen and Ra ) as our proxy servers.  Well today was finally the day to train in their replacements.  At about 11:30am today I flipped the switch so that people began using the two new proxy servers. …

  • New internet connection growing pains

    After many weeks of waiting today was finally the day we were able to cut over from our 40Mbit HickoryTech internet connection to our shiny new 100Mbit Onvoy internet connection. As is the case with many new things, there are a few bugs to be worked out.  One such bug came to light tonight.  At…

  • First issues with Leopard

    I just recently found the time to install Leopard on my MackBook Pro. I chose to do the archive and install option and for the most part all went well. I was pleasantly surprised that many of the programs I had installed still worked. However when I went to check on my Keychain I noticed…

  • Gustavus Homecoming Game Live on GusTV

    If for some reason you find your self unable to attend the homecoming football game in person this week, you will be able to watch it live in 640×480 standard TV resolution on GusTV. Or if you happen to be at another college campus that is connected to Internet2 and has multicast enabled on their…

  • Internet2 speed more than doubled

    As of this afternoon we are now one step closer to getting our 1Gbit/s Internet2 connection (should be implemented by the end of the semester). Up until today we had a 45Mbit/s Internet2 connection. Today that connection was upgraded to 100Mbit/s. That means traffic flowing between Gustavus and other Internet2 connected institutions such as the…

  • GusTV Update

    As you may have noticed, there were a couple of channels on GusTV that did not have any guide information. Well this afternoon we resolved the issues we were having with the guide information for those channels. Now you can view the upcoming schedule for Fox Mankato ( KEYC-FO ) and see where it differs…

  • Opening day at the new stadium

    This past Saturday I spent the day at the new football stadium here at Gustavus Adolphus College. I started the day by placing a webcam in the home team’s radio booth to capture images for the Gustavus website as well as to create a time lapse video of the day. We also used that camera…

  • Demolition of the old stadium

    On the morning of August 14th crews started the process of tearing down the old football stadium at Gustavus Adolphus College. Shortly after 2:00pm the last column was knocked down and the sorting of the rubble began. If you would like to watch the whole event as captured by our two HD webcams, click on…