Proxy Servers Upgraded Posted on December 10th, 2007 by

For a long time we have been using a pair of very old Sun servers ( the old Solen and Ra ) as our proxy servers.  Well today was finally the day to train in their replacements.  At about 11:30am today I flipped the switch so that people began using the two new proxy servers.  The old servers had lots of RAM but not much disk space and had really slow CPU’s.  They also only had 100Mbit network connections and now that we have a Gigabit internet2 connection I didn’t like having our proxy servers be the bottleneck 🙂

Our new proxy servers are a pair of 965’s with 3.5 Gig of ram and 4 160Gig SATA drives in each.

If anyone experiences any issues caused by the new proxy servers, let me know.

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