Category: Core Services

  • More Time Lapse Video of Perry the Titan (Corpse Flower)

    Camera 1 April 26th – May 3rd or on youtube Camera 2 April 27th – May 3rd or on youtube Camera 3 May 1st – May 3rd or on youtube So, when is this plant going to bloom you may ask? Good question. I too have been trying to figure that out and the best…

  • Photos of Perry the Titan

    Congratulations Perry! Looks like you just got a nick name. Like many of us here at GAC I too have gotten caught up in the corpse flower craze. Today I took a few photos of the recently named Perry. A couple of my favorites are posted here including the photo that makes me think the…

  • Corpse Flower Time Lapse from May 1st

    The time lapse videos created from the images taken between midnight May 1st and early morning of May 2nd are now in. Time Lapse Video of Camera 1, May 1st Time Lapse Video of Camera 2, May 1st Time Lapse Video of Camera 3, May 1st You can also find links to them on the…

  • Corpse Flower Camera

    Thanks to the hard work and dedication of many people here at Gustavus we now have a wolderful flowering Amorphophallus titanum also known as a Corpse Flower to Titan Arum. Thanks to this unique event we have been given an opportunity to put some of our “toys” to good use. This afternoon we added a…

  • New Channels Added to GusTV

    For everyone trying out the GusTV pilot, we now have two additional channels. Thanks to some new hardware we are able to add some more channels to the lineup. Starting today we have added PBS (TPT2) and my 29 (WFTC). We hope to bring some more channels to the list soon. Please do let us…

  • Time Lapse Photography with an Axis 207MW

    There are many ways to create time lapse photography these days. The following is just one way we are using Axis 207MW cameras on campus to create interesting videos. First we connect the camera to our ethernet or wireless network and mount it somewhere that it will not be likely to move. Once we have…

  • Bittorrent From Only Internet2

    As you may have noticed, our connection to the Ineternet is often quite busy. In addition to our connection to the “Commodity Internet,” Gustavus also has an extra fast connection to Internet2 which connects colleges, universities, and research institutions on a very fast network. While our Internet connection is very busy most of the time,…

  • Where does our mail come from?

    According to our mail server logs, not surprisingly, almost exactly half of the mail Gustavus mail users receive is from other people at Gustavus. What may surprise some is that Facebook accounts for about 34% of the mail we receive. Here’s a graph from yesterday, which is pretty typical for a weekday. By gathering and…

  • Campus Electricity Usage

    Have you ever wondered how much electricity the buildings on campus use every day? Well, so have people like Warren Wunderlich, Jeff Jeremiason, Chuck Niederriter, Mike Kasmarik and many more. Thanks to their efforts, we now know how much electricity most of the buildings on campus use every hour. Ethan and I take that data,…

  • Internet Bandwidth Increase

    As many of you are very aware, our current internet bandwidth is not quite adequate to meet all of our demands at certain times of the day. Especially late afternoon on weekdays and Sunday nights. Fortunately we were able to come to an agreement with our Internet Service Provider ( HickoryTech ) to increase our…