This weeks update Posted on December 23rd, 2005 by

Well, we got a lot of things done this week since it was so quiet. At times we were a little too brave and broke a few things when we should not have, but in the end a lot was accomplished.

Reducing duplicate email messages – We put in place a procmail script that checks all incoming email, and if the same person receives the same email more than once, it will drop it. Therefore if you are on multiple email aliases, all of which were sent the same email message, you should only see that message once.

Packeteer software update – We upgraded the software on our Packeteer to the most recent version such that we have access to all the latest and greatest p2p plugins and such.

Firmware upgrades for switches – We upgraded the firmware on almost every switch on campus to the latest versions. This required us to reboot each switch after the upgrade. Thus each network was down for a minute or two while the switches rebooted.

Logging on Windows lab computers – We installed logging software on all the Windows lab computers so that we will have some numbers on how often each computer is used, for how long, and what applications are run. This info should help us determine where we need more/less computers, number of software licensees, etc.

Netdisco – We installed some new network monitoring software called netdisco which does a good job of tracking our network and drawing a nice pretty graph. If we get a chance, we will try to print out the huge network diagram.

Jackson Campus Center network upgrade – We replaced the old 100Mbit copper connection between the Carlson Admin building and the Jackson Campus Center with a 1Gbit fiber connection which then connects Carlson to Olin over a 2Gbit trunk. The rest of Carlson is still on its existing 1Gbit connection until our next scheduled downtime.

Moodle Enrollments – All of the students should now be enrolled in their J-Term and Spring classes in Moodle.

Datatel – The datatel server had 4GB of memory added to it recently and for the most part that has helped performance quite a bit. However the server crashed Tuesday afternoon for an unknown reason. A reboot fixed it. If it happens again, we will have some crash logs to look at.

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