Category: Uncategorized
Organizing Mac Mail using Mailboxes
Have you ever wanted to organize your Gustavus mail? Maybe your inbox contains 700 messages, but you want to tidy it up a bit. To combat this issue, you can create as many mailboxes as you like to file or organize messages you want to keep. You can also create a mailbox within an existing…
Updating Software – Mac Users
Mac users, do you update your software often? If you don’t, you should consider! To update your software, go to the Apple Menu in the top left corner of your screen, and scroll down to Software Update. Your computer will then check for new software available. After scanning, your computer will let you know whether…
Become a More Efficient Mac User
These are 10 useful keyboard shortcuts that will help you become more efficient at using your Mac. 1. Command-S: for save If you’re using Word, Excel, TextEdit, or almost any other application, using command-S ensures you won’t accidentally lose what you have been working on. 2. Command-Q: for quit A quick and easy way to…
Moodle – Unenrolling a Student from your Course
* NOTE FOR STUDENTS: This is NOT the process for dropping one of your classes. That must be done through the Registrar’s Office. This process is simply unenrolling you and removing you from a class roster in Moodle. Ever wanted to remove students from your class roster on Moodle? The Assign roles link, which can…
Firefox Tip: Deleting 1 item from History
Have you ever wanted to delete one item from your Firefox browsing history? Maybe that misspelled site that you keep visiting when you type a URL with a similar name because you type too quickly? Gogle instead of Google? It happens. To delete this one item from your history, follow these 3 steps: 1) Start…
Gone the Way of the JoeJoe
There’s no way to sugar coat this. The web team is going to be severely understaffed starting in July. Personal circumstance has led me to search for, and take employment in Indiana. I have taken a job at Saint Mary’s College in South Bend, IN as the Assistant Director of Web Communications. The Gustavus community…
Introducing Rides
Rides is a new look for the campus rideboard. The video below explains pretty much everything you need to know about it. You can also opt-in to receiving emails when users post to Rides by going to Rides preferences checking the box and clicking save. Feel free to leave feedback and comments below, or on youtube…
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
My past 11 years at Gustavus as student-turned-employee have been wonderful, but this is my last month at Gustavus. It is now time for us to part ways. It is difficult for me to let go of something that I have spent countless hours thinking about and working on: the Gustavus website. But, I know…
What software is available to employees?
Visit the Technology Services wiki to learn about what software is available for employees on Gustavus owned computers.
Website template revised
You may notice that the website looks a bit different today. We changed a few things to increase performance and bring more content to the surface. Visually, we preserved the general look and layout, but we’re now controlling it with CSS instead of relying on image files. The most noticeable changes include the larger banner…