Author: jlencion
CF docs lookup
If you have never used it, you’ll be sorry that you didn’t know about it sooner. There is a brilliant tool for looking up anything in the ColdFusion documentation. It’s called and it’s a definite time-saver. How it works: you set a cookie on your computer that tells what version of ColdFusion you…
Firefox extensions that I use
I am about to switch to a new machine and am working on consolidating all of my data that I need to move. So I got to thinking that it would be nice to have a list of all the Firefox extensions that I use to help me with the switch. Then I was thinking…
Regular expression for e-mail
Regular expressions can be very useful and efficient if used properly. For a while now in some of our applications we have been using the following regular expression to check e-mail addresses for proper formatting. ^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*.(([a-z]{2,3})|(aero|coop|info|museum|name))$ This will ensure that the user has entered a properly formatted e-mail address such as
Gustavus search plugins
Update (October 25, 2006) — These plugins have been updated and are compatible with Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7. If you have recently converted to the new and increasingly popular web browser, Mozilla Firefox, you may have noticed that there is a built-in search box that can search different sites such as Google, Yahoo!,…
The Legacy of the Nobel Conference website
Each year Web Services is handed the task of creating a website for the Nobel Conference. This site is intended to provide accessible information to be used in the publicizing of the Nobel Conference. Designs for this site in the past have maintained the look-and-feel of the poster and other promotional materials for that year’s…
New onCampus pages
The Gustavus onCampus pages are intended to serve three distinct on-campus audiences: students, faculty, and employees. They have evolved from being a mere collection of useful links to an aggregation of important information and online tools such as calendar events, campus news, directory search, and local weather. We just put the new and improved onCampus…
Alumni Fund e-mail campaign
Tomorrow, on Tuesday, May 24, we will be moving forward with an e-mail campaign targeted at Alumni. This will be similar to an e-mail that we sent out to Alumni in December that featured Linda Lee in an effort to boost giving, except this time we will be sending out three different e-mails instead of…
CFLOCATION tags revised
Pete Freitag’s description of what CFLOCATION does alerted us to our misuse of the CFLOCATION tag for redirecting visitors from to Apparently CFLOCATION sends the browser a 302 Moved Temporarily HTTP Status Code. Freitag suggests that one should send a 301 Moved Permanently HTTP Status Code using CFHEADER. However, the 302 temporary status…
Welcome to Gustavus Web Services blog
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Gustavus Web Services blog. For those who are curious and savvy about blogging software, we are running this blog using the open source WordPress 1.5.1 which was released just hours ago. More information about WordPress can be found on their website. To answer some of your…