Finding people in the Gribly just got a lot easier. That’s right, you will now get helpful suggestions that may help you find who you are looking for, especially when you don’t know how to spell someone’s name.
This is a popular feature in many search engines including Google and we are very excited to add it to the Gribly. We hope that this will save valuable time and frustration while providing more relevant results in Gribly searches.
For instance, if you search for “Peterson,” the Gribly will suggest “Pederson,” “Petersen,” and “Patterson.” Pretty slick.
How did you do it?
On the technical side of things, most of the magic is done using a combination of the soundex algorithm and Levenshtein distance of your search term and possible other matches.
Thankfully, MSSQL has some built-in SOUNDEX
functions, so that part was a snap. Calculating the Levenshtein distance was a bit more work, but thanks to Joseph Gama we were able to borrow some functions that did most of the heavy lifting for us.
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